Wednesday, June 27, 2012

do something


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Erti hidup.. masa seorang muslim


Kehidupan manusia adalah bergantung kepada penggunaan masanya. Oleh itu, Islam amat mengambil berat tentang masa dan memberitahu manusia bahawa setiap detik masanya adalah amat berharga. Sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan betapa besarnya nilai masa dalam Islam dengan Allah sendiri bersumpah dengan masa dalam firmanNya yang selalu didengar;

وَالْعَصْرِ(1)إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ(2)إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ(3)
“Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran”. (al-‘Asr: 1-3)

Dalam ayat di atas Allah bersumpah dengan masa bagi menunjukkan kepada manusia sekeliannya bahawa masa menjadi saksi terhadap berjaya atau gagalnya manusia, untung atau ruginya mereka. Manusia yang berjaya dan beruntung ialah manusia yang memanfaatkannya masanya di dunia (untuk beriman, beramal soleh, melaksanakan perintah Allah dan sebagainya bagi bekalan ke akhirat) dan manusia yang gagal dan rugi ialah manusia yang mensia-siakan masanya.

Imam asy-Syafi’ie pernah dalam satu ungkapannya berkata tentang surah ini;
لَوْ تَدَبَّرَ النَّاْسُ هَذِهِ السُّوْرَةَ لَوَسِعَتْهُمْ
“Jika manusia memerhati dan mengambil pengajaran dari surah ini, maka memadailah bagi mereka”.

Dalam satu hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. memberi galakan kepada kita supaya memanfaatkan masa dengan sebaik mungkin. Sabda baginda;

اغتنم خمسا قبل خمس: حياتك قبل موتك، وصحتك قبل سقمك، وفراغك قبل شغلك، وشبابك قبل هرمك، وغناك قبل فقرك
“Manfaatkanlah lima masa sebelum datang lima masa;
1) Masa hidup kamu sebelum datang saat mati kamu
2) Masa sihat kamu sebelum datang masa sakit kamu
3) Masa lapang kamu sebelum datang masa sibuk kamu
4) Masa muda kamu sebelum datang masa tua kamu.
5) Masa kamu kaya sebelum datang masa kamu ditimpa miskin.
(Hadis riwayat Imam al-Hakim dan al-Baihaqi dari Ibnu Abbas r.a.)

Bahkan di akhirat nanti, manusia akan dihisab setiap detik masa yang ia lalui di dunia; bagaimana ia gunakannya? Adakah ke arah kebaikan atau kejahatan? Adakah ia manfaatkannya atau ia sia-siakannya? Inilah yang diceritakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. dalam hadis baginda;

لا تزول قدما عبد حتى يسأل عن عمره فيما أفناه، وعن علمه فيم فعل فيه، وعن ماله من أين اكتسبه وفيم أنفقه، وعن جسمه فيم أبلاه‏
“Tidak akan berganjak dua kaki seorang hamba Allah (dari tempat hisab di padang mahsyar) sebelum ia ditanya berkenaan;
1. Umurnya (yakni masa-masa di sepanjang umurnya); bagaimana ia habiskannya?
2. Ilmunya; bagaimana ia amalkannya?
3. Hartanya; dari mana ia perolehi dan cara mana ia belanjakannya?
4. Tubuh-badannya; bagaimana ia gunakannya?
(Hadis riwayat Imam at-Tirmizi dari Abi Barzah Nadhlah ibn ‘Abid al-Aslami)

Imam asy-Sya’rani ketika mengulas tengtang hadis ini dalam kitabnya al-‘Uhud al-Muhammadiah, berkata; “Inilah empat perkara pokok yang akan ditanya setiap hamba mengenainya (di akhirat). Adapun yang selainnya adalah perkara-perkara cabang/sampingan sahaja”.

Memandangkan bahawa masa amat penting dalam Islam, maka seorang muslim hendaklah memberi perhatian bersungguh-sungguh terhadap masa. Ia hendaklah membina kesedaran yang tinggi terhadap penjagaan masa dan menggunakannya semaksima mungkin untuk mencapai cita-cita dan matlamat hidup sebagai seorang muslim dan mukmin untuk kebahagiann duniawi dan ukhrawi.

Perlunya mujahadah untuk mendidik diri menghargai masa

Namun, perlu kita sedari bahawa seorang insan itu tidak akan berjaya memanfaatkan masanya sebaik mungkin tanpa mujahadah kerana ia berdepan dengan dua musuh utama (dalaman dan luaran) yang sentiasa meruntunnya untuk leka dan lalai di dunia dan mensia-siakan waktunya. Dua musuh itu ialah;

1. Hawa nafsu
2. Syaithan

Hawa nafsu adalah musuh yang paling mencabar bagi manusia kerana ia berada di dalam dirinya. Hawa nafsu adalah teman setia manusia yang sentiasa mendampinginya ke mana sahaja ia pergi. Namun hawa nafsulah yang bakal akan menghancurkan manusia jika manusia tidak hadapinya dengan mujahadah.

Ada beberapa tabi’at buruk yang menjadi factor kegagalan kita menggunakan masa dengan sebaiknya sebagaimana yang dituntut agama;

1. Tidak mengetahui atau tidak menyedari; apa matlamat kehidupan kita di atas muka dunia ini? Kenapakah Allah menjadikan kita di atas muka dunia ini?

2. Sikap malas, sambil lewa, tidak bertanzim, sukakan kerehatan, leka, lalai, membuang waktu dan sebagainya.

3. Tidak mengetahui al-aulawiyat (keutamaan-keutamaan) dalam hidup; mana perkara-perkara yang penting yang perlu diberi perhatian? dan mana pula perkara-perkara yang tidak penting yang perlu diketepikan?

4. Tabiat suka bertangguh

Semua tabi’at buruk di atas mesti dihadapi oleh kita dengan bermujahadah terhadap diri sendiri. Bermujahadah bermaksud melatih diri dengan sifat-sifat yang baik dan mengekangnya dari menurut hawa nafsu. Orang yang bermujahadah tidak akan membiarkan dirinya dikontrol hawa nafsunya, sebaliknya dialah yang mengkontrol hawa nafsunya.

Dengan mujahadah, kita mesti melatih dan memaksa diri supaya;

1. Memastikan matlamat hidup dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapainya.
2. Membuang sikap malas, leka, lalai dan sebagainya tadi.
3. Memberi perhatian kepada perkara-perkara al-aulawiyat (utama/penting) dalam hidup.
4. Membuang sikap suka bertangguh.

Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah berpesan memperingatkan kita;

نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس: الصحة، والفراغ
“Dua nikmat (kuniaan Allah) yang seringkalikebanyakan manusia tertipu (kerana mensia-siakannya) iaitulah; nikmat sihat dan nikmat kelapangan”. (Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari, at-Tarmizi dan Ibnu Majah dari Ibnu Abbas r.a.)

Seorang tokoh sufi terkenal Ibnu ‘Athaillah as-Sukandari dalam kitabnya yang masyhur iaitu al-Hikam mensifatkan tabiat suka bertangguh adalah tanda kebodohan yang ada pada diri seseorang. Ia berkata;

إحالتك الأعمال على وجود الفراغ من رعونات النفس “Menunda/menangguh amal perbuatan(kebaikan) kerana menantikan kesempatan yang lebih baik merupakan suatu tanda kebodohan yang mempengaruhi jiwa”.

Seorang hukama’ Islam pernah menasihatkan kita;

لا تؤجل إلى الغد ما يمكنك أن تعمله اليوم
“Janganlah kamu menunda/menangguh sampai besok apa yang dapat engkau kerjakan hari ini”.

Imam Hasan al-Basri pernah berkata; “Apabila terbit sahaja fajar pada hari baru, ia akan menyeru manusia; ‘Wahai anak Adam! Aku adalah adalah makhluk yang baru. Aku akan menjadi saksi ke atas apa yang kamu lakukan. Gunakanlah aku untuk berbekal dengan beramal soleh. Sesungguhnya aku (apabila berlalu) tidak akan kembali lagi hinggalah menjelangnya kiamat” .

Bagaimana membahagikan waktu?

Seorang muslim mestilah tahu membahagikan masanya mengikut kewajipan yang tertanggung di atas bahunya. Seorang tokoh Islam abad ini, al-Imam asy-Syahid Hasan al Banna berkata;

“Kita diperintahkan supaya mengguna dan membahagikan masa bagi empat tujuan ;
1.Untuk agama iaitu melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah merangkumi yang wajib/fardhu dan yang sunat-sunat.
2. Untuk mencari rezki yang halal bagi menyara diri dan keluarga.

من أمسى كالا من عمل يده أمسى مغفورا له
"Siapa yang berpetang dalam keadaan penat kerana bekerja/berusaha dengan tangan sendiri maka ia berpetang dalam keadaan dikurniakan keampunan baginya" (Riwayat Imam at-Thabrani dari Ibnu ‘Abbas r.a.) 3. Untuk berkhidmat kepada manusia dengan melakukan perkara-perkara yang mendatangkan manfaat dan faedah bagi mereka.

Sabda Nabi(s.a.w);
من مشي في حاجة أخيه كان كمن اعتكف في مسجدي هذا شهرا
“Sesiapa yang berjalan(untuk keluar) memenuhi hajat saudaranya ia seolah-olah beriktikaf di masjidKu ini(iaitu masjid Nabawi) selama sebulan”. 4.Untuk kerehatan badan.

Sabda Nabi(s.a.w); فإن لبدنك عليك حقا "Sesungguhnya badan kamu mempunyai hak ke atas kamu".

Syeikh Tantawi al-Jauhari berpesan kepada kita;

“Apabila munculnya siang maka buatlah penyusunan terhadap kerja-kerja-yang akan kamu lakukan pada hari itu mengikut masanya dan jangan melakukan sesuatu kerja bukan pada masanya. Ikutilah perancangan kamu yang awal dan jadikan riadhah/bermain pada masanya yang khusus. Ambillah contoh/tauladan daripada Nabi kita(s.a.w) dimana baginda membahagikan masanya kepada beberapa bahagian; -Satu bahagian untuk ibadah -Satu bahagian untuk manusia iaitu mengajar mereka... -Satu bahagian untuk diri baginda sendiri....."(Syeikh Tantawi Jauhari;kitab "ميزان الجواهير" )

Living and passion about life

I am quite  confuse and in dilemma right now,,,,, so GOOGLEd some articles for me to read and for me to keep in mind,,,, Here's one article that I can take lesson of....

From :

How to Live Passionately and Not Simply Survive

By on Jul 08, 2009 

Life can be unpredictable and can often disappoint when it does not follow our plan. Jobs are lost, marriages end and people become ill and die before we thought we would lose them. However, faith tells us there can meaning to everything that happens; and there can even be meaning for the things which seem to happen only to us when we choose not to simply survive life, but to live it with passion.
Our lives happen quickly. I turned 47-years-old a few days ago and this birthday has hit me particularly hard. The awareness my life is likely more than half over and my 50s will be here before I know it, has given me reason to take an account of how I want to spend the time I have left.
My plan isn’t to simply survive this time, but to take my remaining years and make them the best yet. The things I have learned about myself, as well as the things I wish I had never learned, all point to one simple, but powerful truth for me: No matter what has happened, or what will happen, my life is more fulfilling when it is lived with passion.
Passion for what I believe and passion to be the best person I can be for my wife and children provide the power to look at what’s ahead with hope and excitement. When bad things happen and times become tough, it is how we adapt to change that will keep our hearts open and free to live with passion – no matter what.
Ten Truths of Change
Change in our lives can be an unwelcome guest, but when change is over and has left, we can be in a better place than before its visit. The result of change can keep us stuck in a surviving mode; or it can give us the energy to look forward to what’s next.
Understanding the power of change can reveal significant truths about its purpose. These ten truths of change have brought me comfort during difficult times and have pointed the way to living, and not simply surviving.
  1. Don’t be a passive passenger to the past.
    Certain events or experiences from our childhood can make a lasting impact. As we grow older, our mistakes and the harm done along the way can also leave its mark. We often miss what’s happening right before us because we are still travelling in the past. The truth is we cannot undo our past, but we can choose our present. Acknowledge your past and at the same time keep learning to let it go so you can better embrace what you have today.
  2. By grace you are healed.
    No matter the sins committed against you or the ones you own, when you find the faith to believe in God’s grace you will find healing. Allow His grace to fill you with a newfound passion and energy to live the life you deserve.
  3. The truth sets you free.
    To be free we must first acknowledge our truth. Perhaps it’s too difficult or embarrassing to accept that truth; or it requires making a change we do not want to make. Until we can accept our truth we will always be a prisoner to the things which keep us from fully living. Take an honest look at your truths and what’s keeping you stuck in a place lacking the passion you are seeking. For me, it’s my level of self-confidence and worthiness. There are so many things I want to accomplish. And even though I’m making progress, I will not realize all that is in my heart until I begin to feel worthy of receiving them.
    The truth is, what will set me free, once and for all, is to believe I deserve good things to happen to me, too.
  4. It’s not what happens to us.
    For most, what has happened to us (or is happening to us) is a direct of result of our actions and the choices we made. However, it is important to acknowledge that are many victims (children, women and men) who did not ask for, or deserve, their circumstances. No matter what has happened, every day we get a new choice of deciding how to live that day. We can seek forgiveness, counseling, or spiritual care. There are resources available to match every need.
    If you are having a difficult time finding the resources you need (because of their availability in your community or for financial reasons), please contact me at and we can assist you. All you have to do is ask for help and you will receive it.
  5. Happy in spite of.
    I wish I was better-looking, had an Ivy League education and the ability to do whatever I wanted without the need to generate income. But you what? I’m still happy in spite of what I don’t have. I have found its better to measure happiness by taking an inventory of what I do have (excellent health, a wonderful family, the money to pay my bills plus a little left over) than to consider what I don’t have. This is a much more positive unit of measurement and opens myself up to receiving more of the same.
    We can find happiness in spite of how inconvenient certain situations appear to be when we begin to understand we are the creators of our own happiness based on how we choose to react and respond to the truths which exists around us.
  6. Blind faith gets results.
    The expression, “Burn the boats,” demonstrates blind faith. This phrase can be traced back to the ancient Greek warriors and their commanders who would give the order to “Burn the boats” after the warriors had landed on the enemy’s shore. The commanders’ message was simple: We know we will be victorious, so we don’t need the boats anymore, because there will be no need to retreat. Our faith tells us we will win.
    Burn the Boats reminds us that to live passionately means we don’t have a lot of time for negative thinking. We have to put our trust in our faith and understand there is no turning back when we make the commitment to live our life on our terms.
    With this awareness, with this truth, we can place our fear, anxiety and self-doubt on those boats and watch and as they sink and disappear from our sight.
  7. There is always an answer.
    No matter what happens, there is an answer. Travelling through the darkness there is a light ahead. Its power to illuminate may be weak and unnoticeable at first, because we may not be looking for it, but it is there, waiting for us. In the light there is an answer; and in the answer is truth.
  8. Believe what you affirm.
    We can make it happen when we believe, really believe, in what we are doing and when we think big. Thinking big is acknowledging the abundance in our lives. This type of thinking can make our dreams a reality. When faith is added to the mix, we create a winning combination. For example, if there is a cause or a project you have always wanted to support, consider how deeply you believe in the cause and then find a way to make it happen.
    Consider your resources, the abundance in your life, which will help begin your work. By using what you have (time, money, faith) you will be able to set into motion an active attempt to believe, and live, what you affirm.
  9. All things ready when the mind be so.
    We don’t do anything until we are ready. We don’t start or end jobs, fall in love or live a passionate life until we are good and ready to do so. The key in the readiness process is coming to terms, in our own minds, that it’s time to begin. This discernment process is critical when determining if we want to do something because we have a deep conviction, or because we think we just should.
    Here’s the truth for me: When I get something on my mind, and after sorting through all of the pros and cons, if I still believe in going forward and have made ready my mind, body and soul, then, and only then, will it happen for me.
  10. The power in you.
    Life challenges us every day. We face disappointment, conflict, and pain. We also have the opportunity to feel the love that life provides. When we choose the latter, we choose to tap into the greatest power we possess – the power of love. Love comes in many shapes and sizes. There is love in greeting each day with the hope and promise we can make whatever we want from the day. There is love in our daily routines of raising our children, supporting our spouses, and there is love in following our hearts to wherever they are taking us.
    The power of love reminds us we are never alone and our lives, like our souls, have a purpose and in that purpose we will find the passion that is uniquely our own.
No longer surviving and learning to live.
The death of my mother in April has provided me with some motivation to begin living. As long as she lived I would always be reminded of what I, and my siblings, had to do in order to survive. Her dependency on alcohol, pain killers and her bi-polar episodes all contributed to a sense of uncertainty and chaos – two things no child should endure.
I survived the days by keeping to myself, staying out of the way and trying to do everything perfectly in an attempt to neutralize her behavior. Some habits, once established, are hard to change.
To claim my life, it’s time for change; it’s time to shift from trying to survive each day without making mistakes and to believing the passion that exists in my heart is meant to be shared with anyone who wants to receive it.
I’m writing these final sentences on my actual birthday (Sunday, July 5) on the deck of my house and alone. Mary Beth and Emily are still in Virginia, Andrew spent the night with friends and Brandon and Caitlin will be here later in the afternoon. I have never been alone on my birthday, but this is how it should be right now.
I have spent a lot of time alone the past few weeks. This has given me the opportunity to focus on what I want and on what I think I’m worthy of receiving. Our normal family routine has been interrupted by my wife’s recovery. Ironically, this time has served as a recovery period for me as well.
This time has given me the opportunity to realize my first 47 years did happen quickly. Today, however, I get to choose how I want to spend the next 47 years. Today is a marker for me, a starting point, a new beginning to shake off the tendency to survive and to truly live and to love myself a little more each day.
This time next week I will not be alone. Mary Beth and I will probably have coffee on the deck before leaving for church, Emily will be watching the Disney channel and our lives will be returning to the normal.
I think I will be different though. I will enjoy the noise in the house, but also realize it’s up to me, and not those around me, to break out of survival mode and to find the happiness, joy and passion I have been seeking for so long.
I’m beginning to see it now. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present.

There's more article I'm going to copy... as a reminder for me and for your reading pleasure....

purpose of life

What am I wake up to every morning???? Lost sense of purpose and will to fight the day..... Really... Sometimes I feel so alive and want to do alot of things,,,, and other times... I'm blurrr.... Oh God help me...